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WWW106 - Database Drive Websites/Web Solutions

Graded Homework

Cachino Rama php login thumbnail

WWW106 Assignment I - Cachino Rama login (PHP)

WWW106 Assignment I - Cachino Rama login (ZIP)

Here is a login page for a fictitious Cachino Rama site using php and mysql database. The host server must have Apache2 installed, and the database and table must be configured in order for this to work. I created a database called mydb with a table called mydbtable. The username is admin and the password is password. These values are case insensitive.

Superheroes Class php thumbnail

WWW106 Assignment II - Superheroes Class (ZIP)

This Web page extracts content from a database table, sorts it, and properly formats it. You can view a student's additional information by clicking on the more... link that will pull up the student's details. In order to see this in action, you will need to download the zipped file and import the extracted sql file into your Apache2 phpmyadmin. The database you set up must be called php_course.